Ye Olde Blogge

9:35 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So many of you (ok so that's assuming you're still reading this after MONTHS of inactivity...) know that this is a "spin-off", if you will, of my WNY Mommies blog back in Joizey.
Since that blog is no longer in working order (Justine, what the heck?? ;) ) and I really would like all my thoughts in one place, I will be posting OLD blogs here mixed in with NEW blog posts.
I apologize in advance if it's confusing but really, it's for me not for you so deal with it. Cheeky? Maybe. But I'd like to save this site one day as a Journal of my Early Motherhood and that's the best way I know how to have all my published thoughts in one place.

I'll post in order so reading from the bottom up is the correct sequence, as youje.

There are several posts in the old blog that are event-related that I won't be adding to this blog. I'll only post the updates that concerned my trials, joys, and questions regarding parenting and life post baby.

And we're off.... scroll down for the first two months of my blog posts as a new mom in West New York. More to come....


Pottery Barn

Has everyone seen this???
It's bad-a**, yes, but at $1358.00 (set plus island) I think it costs more than the kitchen I am supplied with in my apartment.
Since when did "pretend kitchens" start looking so realistic? Isn't imagination the key component in playing house? I'm pretty sure I just had a box with an easy-bake oven inside...


Visit the South

For those of you who haven't ever traveled South of the Tri-State, I recommend a 4-day weekend in the Southern States.If you can get past the scary crosses that say "Blood Secured Redemption" you will find a whole new world awaits you.

A world of hospitality and friendliness, of greenery and winding roads, ofinterstate shoulderspeppered with wildflowers, of down-home cookin' and cheap local crafts, of history and hauntings, of pride and family values...
The South has a special place in my heart and my history.
My Mom, Viking by heritage, was born and raised in the South so much of my upbringing was infused with Southern traditions.
If you'd like some ideas of where to go, email me...because us Southerners don't get out much ;) and most of my traveling while I lived in FL was to Southern States and coastal towns.


Personal Space Issues

It's true -- I need my personal space.
No, I am not referring to the area around me personally...just the actual storage space *or lack thereof* in our apartment.
I know what you are thinking -- either "Amen Sista" or "Stop complaining because my sister's friend lives in the city in a 600 sq ft studio with her husband, toddler, baby, and dog and they manage just fine."
And while I'd like to say "Wow, impressive," all that comes to mind is, "What is wrong with those people??"
We are barely scratching the surface of 1100 sq ft ourselves...and there's an extra 75 sq ft included for our ridiculously long hallway entrance that shouldn't count as living space.
Not to mention there are only 4 closets in the house, none of which are linen closets and none are actually big enough to walk into.
We accumulate so much with Hunter, too...more so than I thought possible...the place is never clean & organized looking anymore -- I just move toys and gyms and playmats from one part of the home to another to free up space and appear uncluttered...and it's starting to look like a storage unit will be our only salvation.
My issue is they are so overpriced and by the end of the year or two you've spent more on the storage than what the contents are actually worth...b/c if you could live withou
t it in your home for 2 years, chances are you could live without it forever.
The reason I am ranting is because on our weekend getaway this past weekend, I was reminded of how CHEAP land is elsewhere.
Devastatingly and painfully cheap.
Take this house, for example: 209 Crawford Glen
It may not be a luxury home but it's a spacious, 4bed/4.5bath, 3700 sq ft new construction fully-upgraded home in Greenville, SC (where we flew into from Newark) in a beautiful, wooded neighborhood within walking distance of the local town. It's going for $529,000. That hurts. Our apartment would cost almost that much if it were for sale here!!
I'm sure I sounded like a pompous, out-of-touch jacka** when I said this but ---> When we got off the plane in SC, I saw a large sign with a listing for 36 acres of land with a 5 bedroom ranch on it for less than $500,000 and I said "OMG, hunny -- it's not even half a mil! "
I realize to someone living in SC, 500Gs is a serious life-long investment. It is to us, too...but when you've become accustomed to the overpriced living of NY, it seems like SUCH a great deal.
I don't ever want to become one of those women who takes money for granted. I don't think I ever could. I know how hard Travis works so that I can stay home and I know the state of economy could take away our lifestyle at any given moment.
But is it too much to ask for a house? With a lawn? In the 'burbs? Evidently it is if we plan on living in the tri-state within commuting distance. Even Westchester is flaunting Manhattan prices these days.
I'm signing off for the night...if you need me, I'll be devising a shelf and pulley system so we can utilize our ceiling space for additional storage.


Sleeping Through the Night

Trav, as most of you know, is rarely home. He works long, stressful hours and in turn so do I.
I'm used to being the sole caretaker of Hunter during the week.
I do his morning routine, eating schedules, afternoon routine, nap schedules, bedtime routine, overnight shift, and all in between. :)
It's a lot of work but you learn to schedule as best as possible and expect the unexpected.
Typically, Hunter will go to sleep somewhere between 9:30-10pm. It's not exact b/c he puts himself to sleep...I put him down at 9:30, though.
He'll wake up anywhere between 6-7am for a bottle then go back down until 9:30am.
Since he's been teething this past week (#11 just showed up -- yikes! ouchy bites!!) he's had a hard time sleeping through the night.
I have had to go in at least once in between bedtime at 10pm and bottle at 6-7am to put him back to sleep.
This has occurred 3 days in a row.
However, when Travis sees how exhausted I am, he offers to take the night shift. When Trav takes the shift, Hunter sleeps through the night.
I wondered how Hunter knew his Papa was on-call until I realized that Trav doesn't have Mommy Sonar. *Mommy Sonar is our instinct to jump out of bed seconds before our baby makes a night-noise that sounds like waking.*
So when Hunter makes his noises and wakes up, Trav sleeps through them (or practices what I like to call the Papa Neglect tactic which isn't real neglect except in the eyes of the mother) and Hunter puts himself back to sleep.
Mystery solved.
Now if only I could bring myself to practice this strategy, I may actually get some sleep! ;)


I Was a Really Good Mom before I Had Kids

I decided after Hunter was 3 months old that I'd get back to reading every night before bed. By that time, I had mastered a bedtime routine (or so I thought) and was ready to get my ownroutine back in motion.
More than anything, I wanted to have 15-20 minutes of down-time in between putting the little man to sleep and trying to put myself to sleep. I noticed that, even at my most exhausted, I was too wired from being non-stop all day to relax enough to sleep at night.
My favorite before-bed past-time has always been reading a chapter or two of my current book before closing my eyes and drifting off to dreamland. I made it my mission to start this up again and I'm happy to report I succeeded.
That being said, my book list has changed since I've become a Mom. I still read my femme novels, my historic biographies, and my monthly subscriptions but I've added parenting booksand books that make fun of parenting books to the mix. I'm torn between wanting to know everything out there (so I can make an educated, informed decision about child-rearing) and knowing that no matter how much I read it's all going to come down to what I feel in my heart versus what a well-published doctor has convinced me to do.
Regardless, I read it all. I have the Super Nanny's books, the Shalom in the Home rabbi's books, the Baby Whisperer, the What to Expect series, the Baby Signs, the Raise a Smarter Child by..., the Bringing up Geeks, the Happiest Baby books, I could go on. Like. Forever.
I have run out of bookshelves and I've started stacking my books to make forts for Hunter to play in.
Reading about parenting and ways to laugh at parenting has made me realize that we all want the answers and there are no "right" ways to parent our children. It's also made me realize that I really want to get back to reading about summer romances in the Hamptons and Princesses from forgotten Chinese Dynasties.
When I read about parenting before bed, my dreams are clouded with reality. Ugh! Who wants to dream about our actual lives?
I've also learned something else. I need some of these parenting books to help me feel normal in my quest to want to be the best Mommy I can be. The book I read most recently (see blog title and click link) had three statements as an intro to the first chapter that were SO "me" it scared me:
- You dread the question "What did you do all day?"
- You consider a trip to the dentist your special "alone time".
- Reading before bed feels like a luxury.
Oh. My. Gosh. It's like this author is reading this blog.
The fact is, there are many moms just like me out there. Knowing that makes me feel a little less alone and a lot more validated.


Comparison is the killer of Contentment

I've said it before --- I consider myself very fortunate. Here I am, a new Mom, in what is possibly one of the best places to live as a young parent. Every time I stroll along the Promenade I meet new Mommies and see familiar friends and neighbors.
It brings me back to the original intention of this Mommy Group. When Susie and I met, it was out of a need for companionship. We found true friends in each other and thus the group grew.
We went from a "wee" group of 2 in early September to a group of 25 in exactly one year!
My intentions for finding and belonging to a Mommy Group were to be supported and accepted by other be a friend and neighbor, a confidante and help others feel like they are not alone in their quest for the best childcare in the area or the most effective toy-cleaning be amongst friends who cared for my son and I could count on if I had to leave him in case of an be relied on as someone who would listen to the incessant venting about poopy diapers and absent fathers...I could go on forever here. So I'll stop.
Mainly, I wanted to find a group of parents who were not judgmental or competitive and who applauded Hunter's accomplishments instead rating how far along he was developmentally.
I think that I've found that group in us and I just wanted to Thank You all for being supporting roles in Hunter's life.
By the way, if anyone does become competitive -- please know that I'll be the first person to call you out on it. ;) A great book about this is "Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay". Check it out! :)


Might as Well Face it, I'm Addicted...

...To Boots!!
I can not tell you how many pairs I own.
Mainly because I don't think I can count that high. *Anyone with me here? Has talking baby-talk the past 7 months dumbed me down?*
I think my addiction stems from my Florida Habit ---> bikinis. I own over 60 of them.
Granted, I wore them year-round down there. Now I have two under-the-bed storage containers FULL of bathing suits. I refuse to get rid of them. One day I may make a quilt. A scratchy, sequiny quilt. One that would be water-proof and stringy.
So I've moved on to something I could never wear in Florida ---> boots.
I love 'em.
I find myself checking all the fashion blogs for new "releases".
My addiction, lucky for Trav, does not necessarily include's more having to know every style offered.

(In case there is a boot pop quiz one day or if someone asks me where they can find the latest ankle-bootie by Minnetonka. I will know where to send them. I won't let them down!)

So my Boot Quest has led me down a dark path -- down a path of never-ending Uggs and Emus that look ugly and feel comfy...

down a path of tattooed suede a la Heart and Soul or Ed Hardy...
down this season's trend of studs, fringe, and biker buckles...
and it has led me here:
Giuseppe Zanotti
HOTTTTTT booties!
On sale for $1195.00!
4" MIRRORED heels, ladies!
Suede and patent leather, of course!
And I wonder to myself, "WHO wears these?" Not just "Who spends this much money on something ridiculously trendy?" but "WHO wears these?" Seriously.
A mirrored heel? The only person who would need a mirror on their heel would be someone who can put their ankle up to their face to touch up their lipstick. So many thoughts come to my mind when I look at these dead-sexy but outrageous boots.
The last thought I had was this -- since when did I start judging people on their shoes? Am I already that PTA mom? Can a woman not wear sex-pot shoes without me assuming she is what she wears? When will this transformation "from me to Mom" end? Save yourselves. I fear it's too late for me...
I was THISCLOSE to buying Crocs.


Feeling Maternal, Amused, and Fortunate

Today our sitter came for a few hours so I could take "off" and run errands. Not fun errands but errands without a baby, nonetheless.
I had on my "uniform" which consists of a patterned cotton blend dress (easy to launder at home, dark colors that don't show spit-up or pureed carrots, partially hides my post-preg tummy, appears like I am making an effort) and my FitFlops (that I wear b/c they are comfy and also everyone assumes I am trying to "tone" my legs which makes me feel less lazy).
My hair was in a pony tail (because Hunter pulls it all out if it's down) mainly because I really need to get it colored and cut but haven't had a chance.
I was excited to have my hands free for the first time all week, so I was drumming on my steering wheel with my windows down, singing along to my CD player.
At a stoplight, I looked over to the car next to me b/c I felt a pair of eyes watching me. You know when you just get that strange feeling? It was a young guy, probably 19, getting a kick out of the "concert" I was putting on.
It was at that moment that I realized I was blasting ABBA's Greatest Hits and singing "Lay All Your Love on Me" as though I was the lead role in Mamma Mia.
And then it hit me.
I'm. A. Mom.
Not just Hunter's Mommy...
I am an actual MOM!!
The kind who wears their hair back with predictable comfy clothes and shoes and listens to music that the younger generations wouldn't even know if they weren't in current movies.
(It's like when I saw "I am Sam" for the first time and LOVED the soundtrack and my parents were like "Duh! Welcome to The Beatles.")
So let's face it, kids...I never thought I'd be one but here I am less than 7 months in and already eagerly singing show tunes in the car on the way to the grocery store.
Watch out, Mom-Jeans, I will find you and wear you!
**On a side note, on the way to Boston last weekend we saw a son and his Mom driving to college with a dorm-room packed car and a UCONN bumper sticker in the back window. I totally LOST it and sobbed to Travis "Our little boy is going to leave us!" When did this happen? Trav's worried b/c Hunter hasn't even started Daycare, let alone Preschool, K-5, Junior High, or High School...College seems so far away until you see it driving next to you.
Tonight I ran into a good Mommy friend on the Promenade. She introduced me to her husband as an organized (not!) Super Mom. It made me laugh b/c anyone who knows me well can tell you otherwise. It also made me remember this email I sent out to a girlfriend a few weeks ago...
"So I've finally given up...I'll admit it. I am not, nor will I ever be, Wonder Woman.
I wish I was.
She has that cool invisible helicopter and arm cuffs...we all know how much I love arm cuffs!! :)
But the fact of the matter is, you can't paint and redecorate a bathroom in 3 hours unless you are on a TLC show with helpers.So my new and improved Kiddie Bathroom is not yet new and improved. Although it will be by Friday if you'd like to come take a looksy.
I'm not Wonder Woman...and sometimes I think I am because sometimes Travis thinks I am...but that's no fun...because when he thinks I am, he expects me to be and that is just too much pressure. ;)
Besides, the best part of being Wonder Woman is the element of surprise...and if I say "Surprise! I painted the bathroom, cooked dinner, taught Hunter his alphabet, and organized a Baby Shower" and Trav says "What did you do the rest of the day?" then I am just an adult in a cape and arm cuffs.
Anyways if you are wondering what this off the wall email is about, it's an apology. Sorry I wasn't myself tonight. I was dealing with the disappointment of reality --- well, that and I inhaled fumes for about 3 hours straight and my virginal (to drugs) body went haywire. ha ha
I'm off to make sure a munchkin is sleeping and install a bubble blowing frog in his tub. Goodnight!"
And speaking of the Promenade, how lucky are we to be able to walk along the Hudson (ick) River with a breath-taking view of the city every day and night? My favorite time of day is dusk...the sun has set and the buildings reflect gold in their windows. SOOOO pretty!! But best-of-all is the Ben and Jerry's along the walk. No, not really. Best-of-all is that I can go on a walk with Hunter and run into familiar faces and friends all along the way. We have suc
h a great community here and our Mommy support system is better than I ever imagined it could be. Thanks for being there for me and Hunter. :) Here's a pic from my iPhone tonight:
Hunter is watching the City Lights and kicking his foot against the stroller to try and knock my water bottle out so he can play with it. Little Monkey!


True Friends
This weekend's trip to Boston re-affirmed my feelings about what true friends are...not to get sappy on you but I feel the need to share.
True friends invite you on trips that could be easier without the added challenge of a second baby's schedule in the mix.
True friends are enthusiastic about your arrival even when you're venting about the 7-hour drive with traffic on the way there.
True friends allow you to feel comfortable being your real you can be frustrated with your spouse for being late, excited by the Arctic Seal exhibit at the Aquarium, or exhausted when your baby cries through breakfast and they understand.
True friends celebrate each other's baby's accomplishments rather than compete by comparing who nursed longer, which baby walked first, etc.
True friends contribute to conversations, voice their opinions, guide you through new experiences, and are there to listen.
True friends make the most of any situation because when you're a new parent, you learn to take full advantage of the time you are given with each other.
We're lucky to have found such true friends in our neighborhood. Thank you to our friendly fellow West New York Mommas & Poppas. :)

10:48 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Disclaimer: I am sicker than sick and on LOTS of Tylenol (since it's the only safe remedy while nursing) so if this blog post is nonsensical, just go about your business and pretend you never read it.

So a month has come and gone and Baby K is a HUGE baby. Almost 11 lbs already -- just about 4 lbs of weight gain in as many weeks. Which makes me wonder...if he's gaining, why aren't I losing?

But I digress...

Hunter still is doing really well with his little brother. On occasion, he'll steal his blankie or lovie and run around the living room whooping and hollering triumphantly but usually he just gives him kisses and says "bebe bubba" repeatedly.

The chapter of our life here in Orlando is coming to a gradual close...we're debating between Austin and Atlanta *Buckhead* for our next home since Travis has been offered jobs in both locations. We're hoping to have made a decision by the end of this week. I'll post more when we decide.

While I love living here, close to friends and family, it's also exhausting...every weekend we're booked with Birthday parties and other events -- while it's a good thing it's also taking a toll on me while I am still adjusting to semi-sleepless nights of nursing an infant. I'm looking forward to having our own space and establishing a much needed routine with Kingston. By this time, Hunter was in his own crib yet Kingston still curls up next to me to fall asleep at night. I relish it but also know it'll be my downfall if I don't sleep train him soon. I refuse to have a 1-year old still keeping me up at night.

It's bittersweet having Baby K grow up so fast...bitter because chances are good he's our last child and I want him to stay "baby" for as long as possible...sweet because he seems like he's in a rush to play with his big brother and I can't wait to see the dynamic between the two of them.

Our lives have morphed quickly from BFGF in Orlando -- to moving to NY -- to married and pregnant -- to a family of four. Now I feel like I have everything I want -- all the love I can ask for from my husband and two sons -- and it doesn't really matter where we are or what we're doing. I just want to be together. It's such a simple desire and one I am sure most moms can relate to...I've never cherished anything more and I've never wanted anything so easily attained.

I'm signing off for now...need a nap and some rehydration. Here's hoping the baby stays well...

A Mommy PSA (Public Service Announcement)

6:26 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Ever feel like your child is trying to tell you something?
Has this happened to you?
Moments after strapping on your youngster's shoes, they tear the velcro open and kick them off only to run around the house screaming...

Well here's the thing ---> this happens to us frequently. Since Hunter has learned how to take off his shoes, even though he typically loves wearing them because he equates them with going to school, this has become a daily ritual. Mommy or Papa puts the shoes on, Hunter takes the shoes off. Repeat. Incessantly. 

So on one busy morning last week, I was too preoccupied to notice the difference in Hunter's behavior during his shoe-off routine. Travis put the shoes on and told me they wouldn't fit properly with his socks. Assuming Travis wasn't as skilled as I was at putting on his shoes (why this is my first inclination, I don't know but as a Mom I tend to think I have all the tricks and Papa doesn't) I suggested he allow Hunter to wear the shoes without socks b/c we were just going to 2 Dr appointments and coming home. 

While we were out, Hunter had a total breakdown. First, he wanted his shoes off and we scolded him b/c we were out and didn't want him barefoot in the medical facility. Then he started whining so Trav picked him up. Then when he asked for me, I couldn't hold him b/c of my C-Section (it was just 5 days afterwards) but I thought Hunter was under the impression that I couldn't hold him b/c I was holding Kingston so I chalked Hunter's crying fit up to jealousy. 

Hunter cried and begged and cried some more. Then we got home and I calmed him down. Then he went to school. Then we picked him up from school only to learn his teacher held him most of the day b/c he wasn't doing well there either. When we undressed him for his bath we noticed a HUGE blister on the back of his foot. 


What horrible parents we are!! We didn't even THINK about that being an issue. He is growing out of his shoes! :( So after soothing him and checking it -- it turned out to just be a swollen spot on his foot, but a painful one nonetheless that he was trying to tell us about. 

I was in disbelief for about 3o minutes, with Hunter in my arms as I sat cautiously on the sofa. Disbelief that my Mommy Intuition failed me. Is it because I spent such little time with him in recent days since I've been nursing 24/7? Is the intuition something you lose if you don't practice it daily?

Disbelief that I actually assumed Hunter was jealous b/c Kingston was with mommy -- when in fact, Hunter's world doesn't revolve around me. He was just hurting and wanted his Mommy to fix it.

I've got to tell you the whole incident breaks my heart. And while it wasn't the most major thing that could've happened it definitely was an eye-opener for me and I thought I'd share it so you other parents out there might read the signs better for your own brood.

Needless to say, Hunter has been to a shoe-fitting since and we have learned he is a 5XW (extra wide, go figure!) so most baby shoes (even though he has about 10 pair) don't work. And here I am, corkscrewing his foot in the shoe like so many other moms before me told me to do.

This incident made me feel like SUCH an unaware, absent parent. I know that's not the case but...
If the shoe fits...

Where to Begin?

6:05 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
So much has happened in the past month that I think is blog-worthy -- let's see if I can remember even a fraction of it to journal tonight. :) 
Mommy brain has replaced pregnesia in the worst way. 
First and foremost, our second son, Kingston Miles, was born on Wednesday, June 3rd. 
For all the deets:
7 lbs 3.5 oz
19.5 in
39 weeks "old"
We were out of the hospital by Friday with no complications on the baby's/mommy's side and everyone is healthy and happy to be home. 
Kingston is a doll. He's long and lean, fair and blonde. Where did he come from, you ask? Probably my mom's Norweigan side. Who knows?
He's super sweet and loves to eat and sleep - like all newborns. It's a nice change from the rambunctious, raucous 16-month old we have running around wreaking havoc in the house. 
I remember when Hunter was this age and I wondered what I was doing or what I could do to help the little guy sleep through the night. I read EVERY book out there. I changed his feeding schedule. I changed my diet since I was breast-feeding. I changed everything I could -- except my perspective. 
Now, having a second it's amazing how something like a sleepless night you just brush off and chalk it up to having a newborn. Now I know it's just a temporary phase and if I deal with it one night at a time it's a non-issue. Funny how important it was to me before to "figure things out"...I feel like a seasoned mom now. Taking things as they come and accepting them for what they are.
Travis has been really enjoying this time with Kingston. He didn't get a lot of "face-time" with Hunter at this age since he was working so much. 
Now he has a better understanding of how devoted and committed my days were to Hunter when he was a newborn. Especially when you are nursing...your whole world revolves around their schedule 24/7.
Uh-oh, someone's hungry. Case in point.
More to come later. :) 

Time for an Update

9:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
YIKES! It's been about a month since my last update. Sorry ya'll!
I've had some major preoccupations to say the least so I am not feeling as guilty as I should about keeping my blog current.
It's a relief not having to *since this isn't a communal blog* and I've let it slip.
SO tonight I promise to write when K's asleep or nursing...I have so much to say.
Stay tuned...

Part-Time Mommy

5:15 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
We finally did it -- Hunter has begun Part-Time Day Care as of yesterday. 
I am THRILLED with the decision, though it's still too early to say that I s'pose.
I know he will get sick more frequently...he'll even pick up some new bad habits.
But the benefits outweigh the set-backs in this case -- at least in my opinion.
Hunter is being socialized with other children 6 hours per day. 
He gets 1 hour of outdoor play so even on hot days when his preggy Mommy can't stand to be outside, he is playing in the shade with other little tots.
He has an hour of craft-time every day in which he artistically expresses himself with paints and crayons and clay --- things we hadn't tried to use yet here at home.
He's learning his alphabet and other fun nursery rhymes. 
He sits at a table and eats his snack without being buckled into a highchair.
He's learning how to be more independent and coming home FILTHY dirty. :) 
On a mommy side-note, I get 6 straight un-interrupted hours of ME time daily. Woooohooooo! 
Granted I usually use that time for chores and organization and cooking but I can rest when I want to as well. I've laid out by the pool reading my Kindle. I've called long-distance friends and caught up. I've even *gasp* napped!!
I'm so happy we decided to go with the day care option. And to think, I was feeling guilty when other Moms told me it's best to keep your kids at home with you until Kindergarten! Not this Momma! :) 

We're both getting bigger...

2:08 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

I am growing daily...hourly, even.
However I've noticed a shift in Hunter's weight as well.
If you knew Hunter before we moved from West New York, then you knew he was the "Heavyweight" of the baby boys in the 'hood.
He was always in the 100th percentile for weight and was "solid" instead of being roly-poly.
Definitely line-backer material...
Since we've arrived in Orlando, he has gained 3 lbs!! We've only been here for 5 weeks or so.
I am not impressed...he's absolutely over-eating (thanks to being around the Grandparents 24/7 I'm sure) and now has broken the 28lb mark.
My word!!
When we left WNY I was able to pick him up easily, being just at 25lbs.
Now it's a struggle to get him out of his highchair or off the changing table without feeling like my back will go out.
It's crazy b/c he is so active now...running, dancing, walking, jumping off of things...I thought for sure he'd lose some of his baby weight. 
In his pics, you can't tell how chubby he's getting. And it's not that I mind it at all -- you know I love me some chubby babies! :)
Hopefully the fact that he's the largest kid in his daycare class starting next week doesn't create any issues. He towers over the other little boys and I don't want him to be a bully -- or be bullied -- as a result.
Updates to follow...